Friday, June 12, 2009

What should I care

what should I care of
something is lunatic
just a crap in the noise of ray
coming from the hole of sand

misery of what is done
doing so well: Am I so good?
but nothing can serious to work
the darkness of being lonely
crying without no tears!

I can shoot the things away
for nothing is fo sure
calling me down now on crash
the fire still burning left the last candle

Going to say good bye to the wave
when evrything is shut down
frying the sound of feeling that groin
oh! everything gonna be alright
what about it?


  1. entahlah... dah taip panjang2 last2 stuck camtu jer.

    Wat ever.. who care about me... about all of us.

    wanna comment in english? Nah...

    "Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination" copy n paste!

  2. hide apa la pulak ni? hide online mp ke? owh no....

    are u mean it???


Thank you for your sweet words...*ENGLISH ONLY PLEASE.